Attitude of Gratitude

I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:12-13.

This time of year is a time of reflection, gratitude, and stillness. We give thanks and break bread with family during Thanksgiving, we celebrate the birth of our savior in Jesus Christ on Christmas, and we look forward to a year of new beginnings on January 1st.

2020 to put it mildly has been an interesting year. So many highs and lows you would think we were on the longest roller coaster ride ever created. With the twists and turns we all have experienced this year we should still take the time to give thanks.

For the remainder of this year I want all of us to work on having an “Attitude of Gratitude “. That means we need to be thankful in all aspects of our lives on a regular basis. For example my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because I get to see all my family from different states and sometimes countries in one room. We sing, laugh, dance, play games, and watch football. 

This year that didn’t happen, But I am still grateful. I am grateful We were still able to have a Thanksgiving meal, I am grateful that we had the resources to be able to purchase the food for the meal. I am also grateful I was able to call, text, and zoom family and friends on that day just to say I love them. 

We sometimes forget how close our mind, body, and spirit are connected. By engaging in gratitude practices we become more appreciative of the things we have over the things we don’t. We also become more resilient in that we can always find the silver lining amidst the darkness. 

Take the time every morning or evening to sit down and reflect on a few things you are grateful for. Write Down three things you are grateful for and you will experience more happiness, a stronger awareness of self, and oh a huge health benefit, less anxiety!

Have a good evening, and remember to have an Attitude of Gratitude!

Coach Syl