WORTHY FAM! Mark and Murray here!
It's been a bit since we've sent out an email like this. Busy is not an excuse, but it is our reason. We have had time here and there and of course, we admit, something else calls for our attention. If you're new to Worthy, we like to send out monthly devotionals. You can also follow our Facebook page or Instagram at Worthy Total Fitness where we share pics of your fellow Worthy Fam. Since it's been a while, we wanted to take this opportunity to reintroduce ourselves.
Mark here, I've been working in the fitness world since 2007. I began at Wright State University, then LA Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, and the YMCA. In 2015, we decided to take a shot at building our own business. We had just moved to Columbus, Murray was teaching, and I was at home with 1 year old Mila day in and day out. We started with a simple Mom and child workout at Friendship park. For the next 4 years I worked with clients in our basement, at parks, and other gyms only dreaming of getting to where we are today. I am beyond thankful to now have a team of trainers working by my side. Our coaches have helped Worthy go to a level I never believed it would get to, and they have pushed me to be better in ways I never would have without them. There were many times during those "basement years" that I was on the verge of quitting this dream, but Murray was always there to encourage me to keep moving forward and eventually take a big leap to our current location. Thank God she did because we may still be stuck in the basement if not! When outside of the gym, I'm likely on my computer still working on gym related things, spending time with Murray and kids, watching sports or trying to do something competitive. I am a competition junky and can turn basically anything into a game.
I'm Murray, full-time mom to our 3 children, Makenzie, Mila, and Malakai (and a pup, Max). I've been a licensed P&C and Life insurance agent here at Creekside Gahanna, with Lew Griffin Insurance for the past 5 years. We also have a new side hustle as actors! As for my involvement with Worthy, I'm the business side and behind the scenes bathroom cleaner, social media gal, paperwork pusher, and I'm often challenging and pushing Mark with new ideas for growth, change, and innovation. He likes comfort and I like chaos. I'm faith filled, yet known to make many conversations inappropriate. Trust me, I'm working on it.. and I've come a long way.
I hang on to the verse Psalm 139:14, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." In the flesh, I have a terrible self-image, and these words bring me to have grace upon myself. Meeting Mark has changed my life. He has helped me to adopt a healthy lifestyle. I've learned it doesn't mean that food is evil and that deprivation is not the answer. If this is you, I'm open to chat!
As for the foundation of our gym, faith is at the core. We strive to be a light within the community. Sometimes lights go dark, sometimes they go dim, sometimes they are the only light and flood darkness with LIFE. We, as people, are not perfect. BUT, we strive every day to have a place in the gym and in our hearts to be authentic, so you will or have seen us at our best or worst. If you have found Worthy to be your place, we are thankful for you. This is on our hearts, so we will leave you with this...
"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one..." Romans 3:10
We believe salvation is not based on a person’s goodness; if it were, no one would be saved, since there is none who does good. From this point forward, we WILL continue on with devotionals! We love you WORTHY FAM!