Be a Difference Maker

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. -Matthew 12:35

"Our thoughts lead to our words. Our words lead to our actions. Our actions lead to our habits. Our habits form our character. Dwell on hope, joy, and generosity. It will flow out of your life and the people around you will notice and reflect your joy back to you. We are drawn to joy, it's the signature of God's love. Strive to be a person that others wish to be near. Start by training your thoughts on God's grace, then listen to how your words change." Live Bold

This hit home with me because I grew up hearing many hateful words and backhanded compliments from people close to me. Fortunately, I learned to be motivated by them. Don't get me wrong, I come from a good family, but many people in my family are not so good at speaking life into people. It has taken me many years to learn to be positive with people and give a lot of encouragement. I'm still improving, but it has been cool to see the impact I can have on people just by focusing on speaking that life into others. Who can you speak life into today?

Coach Mark