What Will They Say About You?

A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth. Ecclesiastes 7:1

"Near the top of nearly every man's list is this question: "Has my life mattered to anyone?" We call that our legacy. Our good name is the sum of every decision we make from our childhood to our last years. It influences our family and friends far beyond our time on this earth. Today, consider your choices. Think about the pathway you are leaving for others to follow. We are following the trail left by others, while we leave our own marks on the trail." Live Bold

I like to do my best to look at my life in reverse. I imagine myself as an old man looking back at my life. What or who will I wish I had spent more of my time on. What will I see as a waste of my time and energy. I believe this makes it easy to find the true priorities in life. I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about all of the foolish decisions I made as a young adult. I can't change the past. All I can do is focus on today and make the best decisions that I can. Having little children I am constantly reminded of how many people are watching my decisions on a daily basis. Because of this, I have an opportunity to impact others in a positive or negative way. Today, try looking at your life in reverse. What trail are you currently following? And is that the trail you want to lead those around you on? 

Coach Mark