Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Psalm 1:1-6
"You just can't keep one foot in the mud and one foot in the dry if you want success in your faith and in your life. At some point, you'll need to decide where you will stand. God tells us how he feels about indecision and living a double life on the fence. Mature faith begins when we accept the responsibility of our actions and then make a firm decision to stand with Christ. We will step in the mud from time to time, but we choose if we remain or if we step back on the path." -live bold-
I believe that this message can apply to many of you for many reasons. It may be lifestyle related, faith related, or even relationships. I think back to my teenage years when I had two different friend circles. One group was more innocent and stayed away from trouble for the most part. The other group, not so much. I sort of split my time hanging out with each set of friends and without a doubt, it delayed my ability to find my true identity. It also led to me making some really poor decisions in my younger years while spending time with the not so innocent group. After all, you are who you are by virtue of the company you keep.
I love to relate these messages to health and fitness. I see many people who act this way with health, weight loss or even muscle gain goals. They are willing to do the workouts needed to be healthy, but not willing to eat the proper way. It's balancing the fence between healthy and unhealthy. The result is little to no progress with body composition. These people can see progress in strength and even cardiovascular fitness, but their body composition is likely to stay the same.
In order to have great success at anything, you have to be all in. Identify the things that will help you achieve your goals. Then identify the things in your life that are holding you back. If the goal or goals are important enough to you, then you will begin to remove those obstacles one way or another. It may not be all at once, but it's needed in order to reach those goals.
Coach Mark