Hello Worthy family!
God is good! God is love!!
So simple yet so profound!! The Lord of the universe loves you and me!
“For God so love the world (or so loved YOU and ME!!) that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him will not die but have eternal life!!” John 3:16
Simple yet extravagant!
How do I know? Look around you today. You see His love for you in the beautiful sunset, or the singing birds, in a gift card and bouquet of flowers for someone hurting, in a homemade meal dropped off on the front porch for someone who is caring for a sick family member, a smile, a hug, a text to just check in.! Oftentimes, His presence is found in the caring words of a sweet friend, and the prayers of the Family.
All of these are God’s way of saying “I love you!” All these are God’s goodness to us, reminding us He is with us. Simple gestures of love, yet extravagant gifts to the heart.
Thank you dear WORTHY family for showing Jeff and me God’s love through your gifts of words, gestures, and checking in. It’s been a rough few weeks, and your love has helped to move us through.
God is good!! God is love!!
“Dear friends, Since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” I John 4:11
Love to you!!
Coach Mary