Hi Worthy Fam,
I shared this a couple weeks ago and I thought I would leave it here to remind myself of how loved and blessed we are. Even in the midst of the chaos we are enduring. He is and will always be the way, the truth, and the life.
Our ONE year anniversary of our facility is on 4/1/20, and I thought it would be fitting to tell you the story of how Worthy came to be. I am the way:
Our family moved from Las Vegas to Gahanna a little over five years ago. We had not found jobs in Ohio when we packed up our Penske and family, and if you know Mark, that’s not how he operates. Thankfully, on the two thousand mile drive, I secured a job as an Intervention Specialist at The Learning Spectrum. Mark planned on going back to school for a graduate degree in physical therapy. He took on the role as a work at home dad to Mila, while starting the very beginning stages of Worthy, formerly known as Mark the Spot. The transition was tough. This leap of faith was huge, and we knew we were being led to a new chapter in our life. Two years into our marriage, we had plans, we had a map, but His plans were surely different.
One night as I was scrolling through Facebook, a woman posted that she was looking for a place to workout, where she could bring her kids. I quickly responded, “We can do this!” and the birth of workouts in the parks commenced. We bought a play yard for the kids, packed up our trailer, and started our first park workouts. Mark literally wore Mila on his chest for the first session. Take a second to just picture this.. In a sense, I guess it’s pretty much the same. Kids all over the place, a bunch of women. He is happy to have more testosterone around now, for sure. Check with Jen, Lisa, or Danielle for park stories, they were part of that Original Park Crew (OPC).
In the winter, we partnered with the City of Gahanna to offer some mom and youth classes and sublet space from a couple of local gyms. We decided that we needed to branch off on our own and this is where the Original Basement Crew (OBC) started. Our first OBC client was a former client of Mark’s that drove from Dayton to train with him. Slowly but surely, over the course of three years, we approached thirty clients. You can ask Tim, Jon M, Danielle, Kristen, Steve, Heather, Lorrie, John, Annie, Kelly, Lisa, Brian, Catherine, Jen, Denise, Mary, Rhonda, Shannen, Shawn, or Zoey how hard it is to workout to the smell of dinner cooking. Oh, and during the course of the three years, I had transitioned from teaching to becoming an independent insurance agent at Creekside. That’s a whole other interesting story…
I am the Truth:
We had met with the owners of the property our gym sits on a few years prior, and I (yep, just I) was strongly convinced that it was ours. The rent was too high (Mark isn’t a risk taker) and we were told repeatedly that it was getting torn down “soon” for a new development. I would drive by daily on the way to my office, often questioning God and why he had specifically placed this place on my heart. Why was it now getting torn down? I was disappointed, frustrated, angry.. and on top of that, Mark was released from the Columbus Firefighter list, for some laughable (now) reasons. Security ripped, more waiting, He wanted us to allow Him to work and cling tightly to his promises. So HARD.
As we continued to explore other spaces, we met with a local contractor to give us an estimate of a buildout on another space at Creekside. He just so happened to be one of the owners of the gym building. We walked away from that meeting without an estimate, and a lease agreement on our current space with a set opening date of 3 weeks! EEK. We were moving from a five HUNDRED square foot basement, to a five THOUSAND square foot facility. FEAR.
We wanted to know every step and every turn. We wanted CONTROL. We had to surrender and trust in, “I am the Way.” There are so many things we didn’t know, and so many things we got (and get) wrong, so MUCH waiting, and had to count on, “I am the Truth.”
Ultimately, we continue to have to hold on to, “I am the Life.” This year has been so hard, so trying, yet, we have learned and are learning so much. Our kids have spent countless hours watching TV and have been placed on the back burner. Worthy is not just a gym to us. You are not just clients to us. Worthy Total Fitness is our way of sharing our life with you, sharing our gifts, talents, and treasures. Even if we get caught up and don’t say it or show it, we are thankful that you are a part of it. We have prayed countless hours specifically for each and every one of you that walk in and out of the doors. Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted, but He always pulls us back to the course. Why do we struggle, endure pain, stress, and even heartache? This life is not the point. We can live this life in such a way that we are not chasing things that don’t last but chasing the things that do last and have eternal significance. We’d love to share our whole story, but you’ll have to keep coming back.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
Coach Murray